When the pain goes from the waist to the thighs, knees, or legs, it is called sciatica. Many patients also talk about tingling and chewing. Sciatica is caused by PLID and lumbar back stretcher spondylolisthesis. These patients experience more pain in the legs than in the waist. The pain increases when standing, leaning forward, or walking. Most neck and back pain is due to very common causes. Lumbar back stretcher But this common pain puts people in great danger - many fall asleep or are unable to function normally. So neck and waist pain is not a matter of negligence. If this pain is not eliminated at an early stage, the patient may suffer a lot and may even have to go to the operating table. The structure of the waist shows the five bones of the spine The waist consists of. Between each of the two bones is a palm-shaped disc. The nerves that come out of the spinal cord or spinal cord come out through a hole made up of bones and discs and spread to the waist, hips, and legs. In ad...
The LUMBAREST is the best therapeutic mat that provides the greatest spinal traction forces & it is the Best lumbar pain relief back stretcher in USA. Designed in the USA, for the best lumbar pain relief treatment & prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal stretcher system. It is used for intensive lumbar back pain treatment of the spine, both in medical and at home. The lumbar pain therapy mat cannot replace a mattress as it is not designed for sleeping at night.