When the pain goes from the waist to the thighs, knees, or legs, it is called sciatica. Many patients also talk about tingling and chewing. Sciatica is caused by PLID and lumbar back stretcher spondylolisthesis. These patients experience more pain in the legs than in the waist. The pain increases when standing, leaning forward, or walking. Most neck and back pain is due to very common causes.
Lumbar back stretcher |
But this common pain puts people in great danger - many fall asleep or are unable to function normally. So neck and waist pain is not a matter of negligence. If this pain is not eliminated at an early stage, the patient may suffer a lot and may even have to go to the operating table. The structure of the waist shows the five bones of the spine
The waist consists of. Between each of the two bones is a palm-shaped disc. The nerves that come out of the spinal cord or spinal cord come out through a hole made up of bones and discs and spread to the waist, hips, and legs. In addition to these bones and discs, there are many muscles and ligaments in the waist. So when there is inconsistency in any of these, back pain occurs.
One of the causes of low back pain is lumbar back stretcher spondylosis and PLID. Loss of lumbar back stretcher bone is called lumbar back stretcher spondylosis. To explain this matter, various people say that it has decayed, increased, or become empty. All three things are one. Bone loss due to osteoporosis is more common in the forties. However, PLID or muscle tension can cause back pain at any age.
It largely depends on the patient's type of work, diet, body composition and weight, and even hereditary factors. People who work hard or sit up and who are overweight are more likely to suffer from low back pain.
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